論文 代寫 價格-愛德華·韋斯頓早年的職業生涯


本文主要講述的是愛德華·韋斯頓早年的職業生涯,愛德華·韋斯頓於1886年3月24日出生在伊利諾斯州。韋斯頓的母親曾敦促她的兒子追求職業生涯,希望他成為一名商人。然而,真正的動力是他的妹妹瑪麗,她認識到她的藝術技巧,並促使他考慮把攝影作為職業。韋斯頓的母親在他五歲時去世,他的妹妹十三歲時去世。瑪麗是韋斯頓一生中最主要的母親形象和最具影響力的人物。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Edward Weston was born on March 24 in the year 1886, in Illinois. Weston’s mother had urged that her son should pursue a professional career and want him to become a business man. However, his sister Mary was the real motivation, who recognized her artistic skills and motivated him to consider photography as a career. Weston’s mother died when he was five years old and his sister was thirteen. Mary was the main motherly figure and great influential personality in Weston’s life.
Weston started experimenting with photography in 1902, when he was 16 years old. This was the time when his father gave him his first camera, which was the “a Kodak box camera, Bull’s Eye #2 (Warren 2011).Some of the earliest photographs of Weston included the pictures that captured the life of his aunt’s farm. Later, he went to California to join his sister and make a career in photography.
Weston was 19 years old when he arrived at California, where his sister encouraged him to work as a freelance photographer. Weston spent time in going from door to door with his post card camera in search of work, where he could only manage to take the family pictures, pictures of children, pets and other subjects. However, he required more formal training, and for this, he returned back to Chicago in 1908 and took admission in Illinois College of Photography (Warren 2011). He completed the yearlong course in just six months and went back to California to make a life for himself.
He had the zeal to learn more about photography; therefore, he worked as the darkroom assistant and eventually as the portrait photographer in the studios of George Steckel and Louis Mojonier in Los Angeles. In these studios, he acquired the great skills of posing the sitters and lighting for photography. In the year 1909, he felt that he is prepared to own up his own studio (Warren 2011). He married a Flora Chandler and her family had enough money with which he started his own studio on the land of their home in California.
