論文 代寫 價格-美國發展種族平等的歷程


本文主要內容是講美國發展種族平等的歷程,徹底重建的進程對了解非裔美國人的公民身份至關重要。 1866年,由於約翰遜的政策在國會選舉投票中被北方人正確地否決,國會的重建進程在南方得到了宣布。幾個月的時間,在約翰遜的否決,在1867年,重建法案再次提出和通過的國會因此暫時將南方地區劃分為五個地區基於軍事存在,從而概述組織分別是基於選舉權朗(559 – 589) 。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The process of radical reconstruction has been very crucial in understanding the African American citizenships. In the year 1866, as the Johnson’s policies were out rightly rejected by the Northerners in the Congressional election voting, reconstruction process by the Congress became pronounced in the South. With a few months time, during the veto of Johnson, in the year 1867, the Reconstruction Act was again put forward and passed by the Congress thereby temporarily dividing the South areas into five districts based on military presence, thereby outlining the organizations which are to be based upon suffrage respectively (Lang 559-589).
Around that time, there was also a requirement in the law that the 14th Amendment needed ratification, thereby broadening the overall definition which is entailed within citizenship , thus granting equal level of protection for the constitution to be provided to the people who were slaves formerly, so that they could also be a part of the Union. Thus, the 15th amendment was also soon approved by the Congress in 1869, thereby guarantying the voting rights to all its citizens and there will be no discrimination regarding the same with regard to color, race, ethnicity, the previous condition or any kind of servitude (Viejo-Rose 125-148).
Around the year1870, the different states which were Confederate formerly became a part of the Union.The different state level constitutions and the historical facts showed that those states which adapted to Radical reconstruction during these years were the most progressive ones (Edwards, 64-89).The participation of African Americans in the process of southern public life isprobably one of the most radical developments as a result of reconstruction after the year 1867 which was basically one large social experiment conducted to study the democracy in the interracial aspect which is different from any other form of society after the slavery has been abolished.
During the years, it was seen that the election which happened in the Southern state government was won by the Blacks coupled with further winning in the US congress around the same time. Other achievements which are a part of reconstruction happen to be state of the art and first of its kind. The funding of public school system formation and provision for taxation related legislation which is equitable in nature were implemented. Strict laws which discriminate people based on race in public places along with other programs related to economic development were also initiated.