論文 代寫 價格-一個公司的戰略決策


本篇文章主要講一個公司的戰略決策,隨後,該公司與蘋果公司結成聯盟,推出了一系列融合社交媒體、運動裝備和蘋果技術的創新產品。這使得該品牌在多個人口統計學上獲得認可。品牌形像有所增加(Kotler et al., 2015)。由於它結合了技術,並在其產品線中提供了許多創新,該公司能夠創建一個新的指數。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The company then formed alliance with Apple and created a new line of innovative products that integrated Social media, athletic gear and Apple technology. This enables the brand to gain recognition in multiple demography. There was increase in the brand persona (Kotler et al., 2015). Owing to the fact that it had combined technology and also provided number of innovation in its product line, the company was able to create a new index.
In an effort to reach out to the health conscious adults Nike introduced Nike FuelBand, this band tracks wrist movement and discusses the number of calories that are burnt. It also constantly engages the consumers and develops promotional campaign that would pique the interest of the health conscious adults.It is quite evident from this process that the company had mixed market trends, innovative breakthroughs, market requirements. Combinative approach is observed in this process.
The ICON matrix can be used to explain the process of innovation and market trends in greater detail. The ICON matrix is explained in the following.
It is evident that market orientation and the consumer orientation must be considered while developing a tactic to sell products or design products (Kotler et al., 2015). Market orientation results in short term results and on the other hand the innovation orientation results in longer term results (De Clercq and Zhou, 2014). The strategic orientation of Nike can be divided into three major strategic orientations. It is market orientation, customer orientation and competitor orientation. Apart from this, the company must consider all the functional coordination.
Nike develops products based on the consumer orientation. There is a lot of importance that the company gives to addressing the consumer requirements. The company engaged with the consumers and devices the products that the consumer needs. They are able to stand apart from the competition and address the competitor orientation in this process (Kotler et al., 2015). Nike uses a variety of portals to discuss and engage with the consumers about their requirements (De Clercq and Zhou, 2014). They use the newer technology to orient it as relevant in the current times. The company is able to devise a range of products that it combines using technology. They develop newer products that reach out to the consumers and they are essentially more of shapers and interactors with the consumers. Owing to this, these two are given more focus when the ICON grid is drawn for the company.