




The villa is mainly supported by the concrete columns use for raising the structure above the ground and hence supporting the structure completely. It was believed by the building that it needs to be raised above the building by 3 to 6 m in order to make the villa be dissociated from the land and hence light and air being introduced in the building. The rectangular structure of the building was elevated in order to make the building light in structure and appear light as well. The pilotis uses were across the building allowing the designs to have no walls of bearing to create a structural system independently that can carry the separate floor across the wall implying the wall placement wherever it is required. Unencumbered views creation was another significance of the building of pilotis on the basis of construction where windows have the ability of running through building lengths and natural framing through the structured windows made by hand to offer direct relationships with the extreme end of ground. The most crucial component of the structure however is its columns that act as the base of the building.