論文 代寫-教師的角色


本篇文章主要講述的是教師的角色,另一個重要的區別是教師的角色。在蒙台梭利教學法中,教師就像一個嚮導,致力於開發幼兒的思維潛能,而在華德福教學法中,教師只是指導。同樣在蒙台梭利教學法中,所有有利於孩子學習的課堂材料都是由老師準備的,而在華德福,孩子們是被教去做他們自己。在蒙台梭利教學法中,不同年齡的孩子混在一起的概念在華德福並不存在。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Another important difference is in the role of the teacher. In Montessori Method a teacher is akin to a guide, who works on opening the thinking potential of young children, while in Waldorf method, they simply direct. Also in Montessori Method all the classroom materials that facilitate child’s learning is prepared by the teacher, while in Waldorf child is taught to make themselves. The concept of mixing children of different ages which is resent in Montessori Method is not there in Waldorf.
Lastly, a child in Montessori school use sandpaper letters to ignite their curiosity about writing and reading, while in Waldorf school emphasis is on oral comprehension and until elementary school a child do not learn to read. The classroom settings differ majorly in both the methods, while Montessori classroom include furniture bee apt for the size of children, materials that are of high quality and child friendly, while a Waldorf classroom is essentially a home like setup (Spielgaben, 2013).
Studying about these different methods, we can now say that, pedagogy is essentially, the study of how to impart education, includes strategies and techniques to facilitate learning and give opportunity to child to gain skill, knowledge, disposition and attitude. It maintains disposition as per material and social context and is interactive procedure including teacher, child and their environment. (Siraj-Blatchford, Muttock, Sylva, Gilden & Bell, 2002, p. 28).
Around the world these theories have influenced the practise and curriculum of early child education. For example theories of Vygotsky and Piaget are followed in Germany, England, New Zealand and France while pedagogy in Japan and Germany is motivated by the Montessori Method. The policies of different countries basically affect the framework and practise of these theories in early childhood education. Also teacher’s training, knowledge or these theories, skill, effectiveness of quality monitoring, social setup and cultural and historical background of the country have a great influence on style of imparting early childhood education. Globally the Montessori or Steiner methods are considered to be most effective ones (Wall, Litjens & Tagum, p. 4).