




The philosophical and political thinker Aristotle’s concepts and theories on politics are held as the primary foundations to learn political science. Political scientists and researchers often cite several arguments presented by Aristotle in his works dealing with political science. The tasks performed by a politician or a statesman are studied under political science. Among various such duties, the most significant duty of such a statesman is the role that he plays as a lawgiver in framing the constitution for the state. The foremost responsibility of a lawgiver must ensure that there is a political equality maintained in the system of governance. Aristotle has explained the concept of equality in an explicit manner or independently formed a wider view point. Aristotle begins his book Politics by explaining the origins of a polis or city. He writes in the 1st volume of the book Politics that any citizen “is described most appropriately by sharing the decision in office.” He says that “whichever person is deemed to participate in any office involving any kind of deliberation or any decision is referred as a citizen.” One of the primary rights of any citizen is equality, and for establishing proper equality in the system, a stable and efficient constitution is required. Equality within the political system is a part of this fundamental right of equality and facilitates the efficient working of the political system. He mentions that once a state has a proper constitution that is put in place, only a few measures are needed to be taken for its maintenance. Reforms must be introduced whenever there is the need to do so, and developments which might threaten the entire system of politics should be prevented. There are many limitations of political equality according to Aristotle. While describing political equality, Aristotle says “It is quite evident that participating in ruling the state in a similar way and being ruled in response is a necessary element for the political system.” Political equality is just not needed for complying with justice, but ventures beyond the moral abilities and idealisms is necessary for efficiently ruling a state (Aristotle and Reeve, 2017). Aristotle also states that political equality does not necessarily imply that all the offices will remain open to all the citizens. It must be mentioned that Aristotle feels equality in the form of a rule that might not be able to cure each and every political problem universally. He says that “equality has a two-fold form: while one is a numerical form, the other is in terms of the merit.” The term, numerical form, refers to having the same quantity or size, while merit is implied in terms of ratio. In some cases, numerical equality should be applied, and in other cases, equality in terms of merit should be chosen. Thus, these are the different limitations in political equality as described by Aristotle in Politics.