




After consulting with her GP, Jane is booked into the nearby maternity hospital for her care. During the visit to the hospital, her history will be taken by the midwife. This is essential component to maintaining mother & baby’s health. Learning about patient’s history facilitates the hospital midwives and nurses to identify the present and potential clinical problems. Once sufficient information is provided, with the assistance of other assessments and test results, a more précised diagnosis can be formulated (Department of Obstetric & Gynaecology, 2011). The hospital midwife will start with taking some personal information, including name, age, culture, religion, occupational, and marital status. Need of care and support can be varied by many factors, such as younger age, language differences, unfit body build and so on. Personal information does not only provide identity, it also facilitates right decision making regarding Jane’s pregnancy. Then, if the patient was brought to the hospital by a presenting complaint, it should be assessed immediately. Specialized assessments may be carried out, questions may be asked to determine: Jane’s presenting problem, referred/self-referred, subjective description of pain, and its levels of severity. When human body is experiencing pain, it increases the stress level and may cause other symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and hypertension.