




Zeyang Chen, have attached my study plan for my continuing education at the Top Education Institute. I am also presenting the reasons and other supporting documents on why I was unable to complete my finals in time to meet the original study plan. I failed last semester because I was not able to write the final exams. I was not able to give prior intimation on why I cannot take the exams, because although I did not suffer a medical emergency, it was a critical emergency from my family side. My grandfather passed away in the month of June and I had to take off to be with my family for the last rites as our custom dictates. During the time of the exam, I was with my family for the funeral. I was ready to take the exams, when I received notice of his death and it was due to this unforeseen unfortunate circumstance that I was not able to complete my coursework as planned and pass my exams. I would like to discuss with the Institute about any options that I have for retaking the exams. I believe the work I put in with the institute must not go in vain. Both financially and personally, I have put a lot into completing this semester and I do not want to see my efforts go waste because of the unforeseen incident and I would really appreciate if an alternative option is provided for me to continue with my original study plan. My original enrolment date was 20/02/2017. The study plan that was prepared was from this time onwards.