


为什么在理解孩子的表现时,框架是重要的?在理解儿童遭受痛苦的表现时,框架或陈述是重要的,因为它可以为摄影记者和观看它的人提供各种各样的道德论据。马丁·贝尔(Martin Bell)写了一篇关于巴尔干半岛战争的文章,他说,在描述战争和苦难的过程中,新闻报道不仅是一种中立的或机械的事业,而且新闻工作者可能会接受。事实上,这是一个道德企业。只有当摄影记者了解到痛苦的时候,才会明白这一点,而这次行动将会带来不同的表现。因此,钟并没有否定框架的存在,而是说,要使框架有任何效果,它必须在道德上作出结论。在巴尔干战争期间,如果没有电视和记者来揭露和转播这些交流(贝尔,1998年),那就必须有一个目的。贝尔提出的新闻并不是“旁观者新闻”,而是“附件新闻”,因此,作为一种手段,战争报告是一种手段。它不会挑起战争,而是试图为中立、和平等创造条件。它就像2001年的测试版一样,是一个关注(测试者,2001年)的新闻。在这个痛苦的孩子探索媒体新闻形象如何呈现出痛苦的孩子的背景下,将有助于探索新闻业是否真的关心这一概念。


Why framing significant in the context of understanding the representations of the child? The framing or representations are significant in understanding the representations of suffering in children because of the moral arguments that it may carry-both for the photojournalist and the people that watch it. Martin Bell in writing about the war in the Balkans in the 1990’s stated that journalism in representing warfare and sufferings is not merely a neutral or mechanical undertaking that the journalist might take up. In fact it is seen to be a moral enterprise. The moral enterprise is understood only when the photojournalist understand the suffering and this operation will make the difference in presentation (Bell 1998). Bell does not negate framing therefore, but states that for framing to have any effect it has to be morally concluded on. There has to be a purpose, as Bell states during the time of the Balkans war the prisoner exchange programmes that were done would not have been possible if there was no television and journalist to uncover and telecast these exchanges (Bell, 1998). The journalism that Bell proposes is not the “bystanders journalism”, It is the “journalism of attachment” and as such is something that is involved in war reporting as a means to an end. It does not provoke to fight but tries to create the situations for neutrality, peace and more. It is as Tester (2001) cites Bell, a journalism that cares (Tester, 2001). In the context of the suffering child exploring for how media journalistic images present the suffering child, will help explore this notion of whether journalism does care.