




The feminists act differently when it comes to adopting fashion because they think in a broader perspective and every type of trend is not acceptable by them. The naive girls and even their moms seemed to be indulged in this cultural phenomenon of Selfie. Seems like she is trying to make herself prominent in society and want to gain attention and appreciation. The dilemma is why do woman needs to be noticeable and she needs to make efforts for proving her existence. A woman has a very vulnerable nature and she is always in a struggle to make a better place for herself in this male dominated society and for that purpose she needs to present herself in a better manner. This is one of the psyches behind adopting a selfie trend that she satisfies herself by taking good pictures of herself. The act of feminism is quite common among women of today. She follows the fashion, tries to look beautiful and graceful, performs her daily duties in a better way and builds a life which is comfortable and satisfactory. Although feminism isn’t a matter of exteriors, feminism is about constructing a domain where women have the chance to live rich, blissful and satisfying lives. It’s about building a place for women which are safe from violence and every mean of compulsion, and confirming they have access to learning, family planning and careers where they are paid and promoted on parity by men. Feminism isn’t about cultivating women’s confidence, it’s about providing proper value to the women’s work, outside or at the home. The struggle of feminist is to build a society which does not consider a woman only when she is young, beautiful or as a sex material but pay proper respect to her, her dreams and her existence. Feminism aims to have a society where woman can walk proudly with high self-esteem.