


贫困被定义为一个人的财务状况不佳,剥夺了人享受生活基本要求的权利(生活标准)(Banerjee,Bardhan,Somanathan,& Srinivasan,2017)。特别是,贫穷或琐碎的收入是印度令人震惊的问题之一。事实上,生活在贫困线以下的巨大人口也冲击着世界。实际上,根据多个来源和世界银行的数据,2016年农村和城市地区的贫困率分别为25%和14%。预定的种姓、预定的部落、老人、妇女和残疾人一般都是贫穷的。不同的研究表明,人口增长速度高,气候因素,农业生产率低,缺乏就业机会,教育系统差,通货膨胀,等等,这些都是导致印度贫困的决定性因素(班纳吉,巴丹,索马里纳坦,& Srinivasan,2017)。因此,富人和穷人之间的收入差距很大。与世界上不同的国家相似,来自印度的富人变得更加富有,穷人随着时间的推移变得更穷(Kumari,2013年)。这种贫穷或收入不平等在从不同角度影响穷人方面起着关键作用。


The poverty is defined as the poor financial status of a person, which deprives person’s rights to enjoy the basic requirements of the life (standard of living) (Banerjee, Bardhan, Somanathan, & Srinivasan, 2017). Particularly, the poverty or trivial income is one of the appalling issues in India. In truth, the huge population living below the poverty line shocks the world as well. Actually, as per multiple sources and the World Bank data, 25% and 14% poverty rate is found in rural and urban areas respectively in 2016 (Naoroji, 2016). Scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, elderly, women and the disabled people are found poor in general. Different studies show that high population growth rate, climatic factors, low agricultural productivity, lack of employment opportunities, poor education system, inflation, and so on are decisive factors, which have shot up the poverty in India (Banerjee, Bardhan, Somanathan, & Srinivasan, 2017). Consequently, the income gap between the rich and poor is massive to a high degree. Similar to the world’s different nations, rich people from India becomes richer and poor people become poorer with the passage of the time (Kumari, 2013). Such poverty or income inequality plays a key role in affecting poor people from diverse angles.