


批评了中国是基于一些西方媒体的评论。提到的一些实例是中国政府努力的结果构建其全球媒体网络和全球“展示中国视角”,并坦率地引发了麻木不仁的西方批评,尤其是2008年北京奥运会,在其他的一些因素。反映面临的批评认为,全世界的国家都对中国很冷的方法。在北京奥运会期间,可能是一些因素,限制外国记者,hotel-taxi间谍和很多中断期间的媒体报道在西方国家火炬集会。有很少或没有乐趣和公众参与。有抵制呼吁一些西方政治化、媒体以及逮捕“人权”和支持西藏的活动人士。杰克卡弗蒂(CNN,2008)真的激怒了中国政府和公众在谈到美国对中国的贸易逆差。“我们继续进口他们的垃圾,上面有超标的铅和有毒的宠物食品和出口,你知道,工作的地方你可以支付工人一美元一个月的时间来证明我们从沃尔玛买的东西。”“所以我觉得,我们跟中国的关系肯定有改变。”“我想他们基本上相同的一群暴徒和恶棍他们已经过去50年了。”这些语句画了一个官员批评和结束于一个结论,西方统治中国的国际形象的情况时,必须反应迅速和有效地访问《人民日报》2008年6月,中国国家主席胡锦涛(前中国共产党总书记)哀叹,“西方的力量和弱点”在全球宣布(《经济学人》,2010年)。2009年战略,主持中国第一个“世界媒体峰会”,参加了全球媒体巨头如路透社、英国广播公司(BBC)和新闻集团(News Corp)。


Criticism drawn by China is based on several comments by the Western media. Some of the instances are mentioned as the Chinese-government made efforts to construct its global media network and “present an international vision with a Chinese perspective”, and was candidly triggered by insensitive Western criticisms, especially of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, among some of the other factors. The criticism faced reflected the view that the countries worldwide had about China is cold in its approach. During the Beijing Games, some of the factors that could have been, were restrictions to foreign journalists, hotel-taxi spying, and numerous interruptions during the media coverage in the torch rally in Western countries. There was little or no fun and public participation. There were boycott calls from some Western politicizes, media as well as arrest of “human rights” and pro-Tibet activists. Jack Cafferty (CNN, 2008) really enraged the Chinese government along with the general public, while speaking about the US trade deficit with China. “We continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we’re buying from Wal-Mart.””So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed.””I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years.” These statements drew an official criticism and ended with a conclusion that the situation of Western domination of China’s international image must be responded quickly and effectively when in June 2008 visit to the People’s Daily, Hu Jintao (Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China) lamented that the “West’s strength and our weakness” in a global announcement (The Economist, 2010). Strategically in 2009, presided over China’s first “world media summit” which was attended by global media giants such as Reuters, the BBC and News Corp.