論文 代寫-上帝的來歷和屬性


本篇文章講述的是上帝的來歷和屬性,耶穌是上帝之父的名字之一,他養育並維持著地球上所有人類的生命。舊約中,神的名被提到“至高至高的神”,“耶和華”,和El-Shaddai。在新約中,神的一些名字是Kyrios, Theos和Pater。這些名字是天堂的,人們相信擁有這些名字的人是注定要去天堂的。本篇論文 代寫文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Jesus is one of the names of God as the Father who nurtures all and sustains the life of all humans on earth. In the Old Testament, the name of God s mentioned as ‘God the High and Exalted One’, ‘Jehovah’, and El-Shaddai. In the New Testament, some of the names of God are Kyrios, Theos, and Pater. These names are heavenly and are believed that humans having these names are destined to heaven.
The Father in the trinity is the one who is considered to be the creator God giving birth to the son, Jesus, who also represents the same God and attributes. Jesus is believed to have taken birth to show the way of salvation to humankind. Father is the one who is the essence of the Holy Spirit and is considered to be the all sustaining God and all powerful God. The most important attribute of God in religion is holiness, righteousness, merciful, graceful, unchanging and eternal. The holiness comes from the purity of God, as it is not impure like humans and is away from and different from humans, though he has given birth to humans (Wilkinson, 2003). The mercifulness is the attribute indicating the forgiving attitude of God and it can forgive all the sins of humans if the decide to be a better person and accepts their mistake. The eternal and unchanging nature is something which is universally accepted as it is present everywhere and forever without changing and remaining as it is, as it was when the creation took place and as it will be in the future also till eternity. Gracefulness is one of the attributes of God which indicates that grace is something inbuilt and it must be practiced. Grace is given by God to all humans if they accept it willingly with open hearts. Whenever there is something which requires empathy and sympathy, God gives grace to them and it must be accepted willingly. Righteousness is one of the most important attributes described about God in this religion. It speaks about doing what is right and avoiding all such thing and activities which is wrong. Righteousness also means that it must be embraced with all good qualities and the wrong deed must be avoided. Righteousness describes the way of life of God and what must be followed by humans also. This is the most important because if humans’ starts to follow righteous path, it will be beneficial to them and they can secure heaven after their death (Tolstoy & Garnett, 2009). Righteousness avoids all bad deeds and encourages all humans to avoid such deed and not to indulge in those bad deeds. Following such a path can bring eternal joy to humans and they can be the best possible human that God has actually created to be.