




caused different opinions in a class between students and the Professor. The Professor viewed the poem as being that of a hardworking middle class father who also found time to spend with his kids and the time was so precious that the small boy equates it to hanging on like death. The students felt the poem reflects a father with an alcoholic abuse problem. Culture here changes how people perceive things. The time, in which the poem was written is also far removed as in current times, children see parenting in a more positive style with middle class values reflecting more sensitive fathers. In acculturation, the students would have internalized values to such an extent that they see everything rigidly. In practical life this makes it more difficult for them to work out problems. The rigidity of thinking does not support thinking from different perspectives. The world of dichotomies does not make sense to the individual because their ingrained assumptions and herein critical thinkers are challenged. The only way to come out of these challenges is to question culture and the dominated thinking that how culture imparts to one. Cultural myths have to be questioned and have to be made open to analysis and on the other hand, contradictory myths must also not be rejected but must at least to be considered.