


这个案例显示了许多与花园仓库相关的组织问题。默里金买下了由Janice Bowman管理的花园仓库。贾妮丝的股票对穆雷的儿子德里克·辛克莱所做的工作的清晰度和质量不满意。德里克对工作的态度是不恰当的,工作的质量影响了珍妮丝的工作表现。这个案例显示了组织中的许多问题,这些问题与领导力、团队工作、冲突解决和沟通有关。第一个问题是,四个部门的经理没有在花园仓库有效地工作。一个团队是指那些致力于实现既定目标的人(Gregory,2013)。领导者有责任定义目标,确定团队成员的需求并激励他们实现目标。已经发现,如果德里克被穆瑞聘为景观管理经理,那么它将影响公司的工作流程。在工作和员工的管理方面,德里克没有工作经验。对于Derek来说,角色和职责并不清楚,作为一名园林经理,这是影响工作表现的主要问题。贾尼斯在尝试完成德里克和她的工作的发票时,经历了这场角色冲突。这表明该组织的员工之间缺乏协调。


The case shows many organizational issues associated with Garden Depot. Murray King purchased the Garden Depot which is managed by Janice Bowman. Janice Shares is not satisfied with the clarity and quality of work carried out by Derek Sinclair, son in law of Murray. The attitude of Derek towards the work is inappropriate, and the quality of work affected the work performance of Janice. The case shows many problems in the organization that was associated with leadership, team work, conflict resolution and communication. The first issue was that the managers in the four departments are not working as a team effectively at Garden Depot. A team is referred to the group of people who are committed to achieving a given goal (Gregory, 2013). The leaders have the responsibility to define the goals, determine the needs of the team members and motivate them towards their goals. It has been found that if Derek is hired as the manager by Murray as the landscaping manager, then it will affect the work process of the organization. Derek has no work experience either in the management of the work and employees or the landscaping. The roles and responsibilities were not clear to Derek as a landscaping manager that is a major issue of affecting the work performance. The role conflict was experienced by Janice as she tries to complete the invoices of Derek and her work. It shows a lack of the coordination between the employees of the organization.