




The United States stock exchange market has long been held as being an attractive one for foreign cross listing. Many research studies have placed results that are consistent with this argument. Economic impact to foreign companies and equity increase has happened because of their opting to cross list. Benefits in specific include relatively higher valuation than their peers who do not cross list. More access is available to external finance and it is seen that there is lower cost of capital. Ayyagari & Doidge (2009) report that cross listed firms raise more capital after they are listed in the US major exchanges, which benefit is attributed to the fact that the company will now have better access to capital with lower costs to acquire them. Chinese companies have long been held back by trade rules and regulations of the country, privatization of firms and the doors for foreign direct investments were opened much later in China compared to other world countries which did serve as a major setback for the country. In this context, it would be interesting to analyse how and when Chinese firms started cross listing their firm. Much data is available on understanding how benefits exist for China in cross listing as is evident through their cross-listing activity in Hong Kong. Now the question to be analysed is if similar benefits are reaped in its cross listing in the US exchange.