


目标受众是通过识别您正在对听众的大小来选择的。如果听众人数少,演讲者需要改变他的提议以迎合他们的要求。如果观众人数太大,演讲者必须设法瞄准一个较窄的位置。对观众进行适当的调查是理解他们的要求的必要条件。研究在线行为也有助于扩大演讲者所要讲的听众类型的知识基础。搜索信息图形和研究在特定平台上提供信息并不难。演讲者必须找到听众想要的内容,并相应地提供他们的演讲(ting – toomey and Chung,2005)。交流者积极地将他们的听众赶走,因为他们是如何创建他们的营销、运营或个人信息和内容的。每当听众消费信息的时候,就是因为他们得到了他们想要的东西。对信息的需求帮助他们向演说者靠近。演讲者需要知道信息的需要和交付时间,以便说服、说服、告知和向听众解释。简单的事实是,你的目标受众会喜欢在哪里以及如何获得信息。有些人就是不喜欢读书,所以他们不会读书。


The target audiences are selected by identifying the size of audience that you are speaking to. If the audience size is small, the speaker needs to change his offering to cater to the demands of them. If the audience size is too large, the speaker must try to target a narrower niche to start. Proper surveying of audience is necessary to understand their demands. Researching online behaviour also helps to expand the knowledge base of the type of audience that the speaker is going to speak to. It is not difficult to search for info graphics and studies that give information on specific platforms. The speaker must find what the audience wants and provide them the speech accordingly (Ting-Toomey and Chung, 2005). Communicators actively turn their audiences away because of how they have created their marketing, operational or personal messaging and content. Whenever the audience consume a message, it is because they are getting what they want. The need for the information helps them to draw towards the speaker. The speaker needs to know the needs and delivery timing of information in order to persuade, convince, inform and explain to the audience. The simple fact is that your target audience will have a preference for where and how they get information. Some people simply do not like to read and so they would not read.