

本文主要讲述的是一词多义在广告中的运用,在广告中,一词多义有四个不同的目标。第一个目标是目标目标,包括创造这样一个目标,在这个目标中,不同类型的受众被类似的信息所吸引。这类广告的成功,只有当它需要有策略地避免这类信息是明确的,不能引导读者有某种感知(Arora& Bacouel-Jentjens, 2014)。另一个目标是目标的定位,加强多个品牌的关联,并将其整合。审美目标是多义词的另一个目标。广告主为了增加广告的趣味性和感染力,设计了这样一个多义词信息。另一个目标是实现社会规范目标。同样的,也有不同种类的模棱两可的信息,允许广告商在不打破常规的情况下推广任何有争议的信息。本篇论文代写文章由英国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In advertisement, there are four different targets of polysemy. The very first is the targeting goal which includes the creation of such a goal in which the different kinds of audience is attracted with a similar kind of message. These kinds of advertisements can be succeeded only if it requires having the strategic avoidance of such information which is explicit and can’t direct the reader to have a certain kind of perception (Arora& Bacouël-Jentjens, 2014). Another target is positioning of goals, in order to strengthen multiple brand associations and to integrate the same. Aesthetic goal is another target of polysemy. The advertiser designs to design such a polysemy message in order to increase the interest and the appeal for the advertisement. Another target is to achieve the social norms goal. Under the same, there are different kinds of ambiguous messages which allow the advertisers to promote any kind of controversial message without breaking the general kind of conventions.
Intertextuality, symbolism and polysemy are some of the most vital techniques which have been implemented in the advertisements in the present times. In order to have a skilful presentation of the products, advertisers can add intertextuality to the advertisement. This leads to the creation of a relation between the source texts and the target texts by the use of some of the devices such as quotation, parody etc. It is an effective method which helps to establish inter textual links between the advertisements. Use of symbolism in advertising is another important technique which is useful in the present market where there is a cultural diversity. Symbolism helps in the implementation of target marketing in a proper manner. It is because of the well established meaning reflected by the symbols in the advertisements, which their popularity has increased among the audience. Thus, symbolism is one such strategy which is very effective for the advertisers. Another important technique, polysemy helps to provide a fruitful perspective for the purpose of marketing and advertisement in order to understand the contextual meaning of the advertisement and helps to deliver the message in a proper manner. In this research paper, the different advertising techniques have been widely discussed with real world examples.
