





Reporting: The policy selected and reviewed is the NSW Aboriginal protection act of 1909. This policy governed typically the entire state of aboriginals. The policy was such that it destroyed the life of many aboriginals by keeping a view on their private life. Under this act, a process was undergone where Aboriginal and mixed race kids were removed from the families they lived in and placed into institution based settings. This was done to absorb biologically and assimilate culturally the children into the white society. The board, in the year 1911, gained power of removing children from parents even without the need to prove that health or safety of the child is at risk. This created a system which not only had comprehensiveness but also efficiency. This transformed the childhood of aboriginals into an experience of institutional nature. The policy of the board was dependent over the notion that Aboriginal people protection will lead towards their development to the extent where they can fit eventually within the community of white. Policies of protection and segregation were not present and the integration as well as assimilation policies were present.

Relating: It is difficult for me to relate to this identified policy. However, I can definitely relate to the notion that the board’s policy restricted the rights of the aboriginals. Apart from this, it also led towards the restriction on where aboriginals work and where they live. Living under circumstances where there is no freedom, there is no right and there is no privacy can make it very difficult for me to survive. I have not seen such incidents in personal life but I have heard of many. There are still people who regard the aboriginals to be distinct when actually they natively belong to the land. In the incident that I know the conditions were same as the incident led towards humiliation. I think I still need to develop psychological and social skills to deal with such issues.