




He did not have idealistic approach towards state but main aim was to create unity in political bodies and power in hands of Prince. The first regime that was founded was the empirical method, in which he studied the history of Italy and the Feudal State approach. In which he found that as the complete power is not in the hands of one person thus conflicts will never stop. There was no hope of rise of a true nation in such issues, as the interference of the church in the state destroyed its identity of the state. Machiavelli completely separated the religion from politics, in this way the medieval tradition of giving the political authority to the church was completely removed. This proved to be a new regime in the society and this resulted in the separation of religion and politics. The state was completely independent and became the highest authority that has power to make its own rules and conducts. State was considered as the most superior authority over human society. The feudal system was rejected and all the powers were given to central authority, which will also be considered as supreme over every institution.