


广告“后来的呼唤”是一项运动,允许家长通过智能手机瞄准他们的孩子。该活动由FCB / SIX创建,具有在线组件,实时市场营销和移动元素,使信息流更加有效。 TheCallThatComesAfter.com是父母访问并为其子女创建视频的网站。该网站要求在其手机上存储dada或mom的儿童姓名,电话号码和号码。这项运动的主要目标是让父母和青少年之间保护高驾驶风险。根据最近的一项研究,高速驾驶和酒后驾车使事故的威胁加倍。



The advertisement “The Call That Comes After” is a campaign that allows parents to target their children via smart phones. The campaign is created by FCB/SIX has online components, real-time marketing, and mobile elements to make the flow of message more effective. TheCallThatComesAfter.com is the website where parents visit and create a video for their children. The website asks for children’s name, phone number, and number stored for dada or mom on their phone. The main goal of the campaign is to allow conservation between parents and their teens on risks of high driving. According to a recent study, high-speed driving and drunk driving doubles the threat of an accident.

The parents will be connected with their teens with the help of a website. A video would be received by the teens that show a group of teens that decoded to drive their vehicles after smoking marijuana. The consequences of driving the vehicles after smoking marijuana was that a horrible crash took place and their parents were continuously texting them where are they and if they are aright. The most important aspect of the campaign is that when the text messages appear in the video, then the teens who are watching the custom video create receiving the same messages on their mobile phones through technology platforms: Oracle Marketing Cloud, Marketing Cloud of IBM and Youtube.