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在小说风筝亚军,嫉妒的主题可以很容易地看到。阿米尔抱怨说,与他相比,他的巴巴更多地关注哈桑。阿米尔说:“我希望我也有一些会让巴巴同情的伤疤。这不公平。哈桑没有做任何事情来聆听巴巴的感情;他刚刚生下那个愚蠢的女人。“(Hosseini 50)。通过这样的表述,很明显埃米尔嫉妒他的仆人的儿子(后来被认为是他的兄弟)。埃米尔嫉妒,因为他认为他没有得到足够的关注,他应该从他父亲那里得到。阿米尔嫉妒,因为他可以抵制任何人窃取他父亲的注意力。阿米尔对哈桑的背叛也是一个嫉妒的例子(温克勒35)。阿米尔也表现出嫉妒,当时他谈到更大更漂亮的风筝。他相信他的父亲会为他买一个风筝,但是他的父亲(巴巴)为Hassan买了一个风筝(Hosseini 45)。


Jealousy has been the main reason due to which Othello gets destroyed. Othello explains that jealousy can be fueled in any kind of circumstances and can destroy the lives of people. Jealousy remains the consistent theme in Othello. As in Act 3 and scene 3lago is represented in the way as he understands jealousy. Jealousy has been presented in such a way in the character of Lago that Emilia believes that jealousy is the part of men’s character (Smith 3). Lago has referred jealousy as the “green eyed monster”. However, jealousy in Lago is weak and poor in comparison to what is dictated through the character of Othello. Othello demands to provide the “ocular proof” of the infidelity committed by Desdemona. However, Lago provides the circumstantial evidences such as, handkerchief. Othello being filled with jealousy considers it as the appropriate evidence against his wife and accepts the circumstantial proof as the ocular proof (Putnam 5). This explains the jealousy in any individual can cover their eyes to distinguish between reality and lie. Othello loses all his intelligence with the imaginary picture of Desdemona and Cassio, presented by Lago. Othello loses all his control over his mind and the jealous thoughts dominate all the intelligence.

In the novel The Kite Runner, theme of jealousy can be easily seen. Amir complained that his Baba gives more attention to Hassan in comparison to him. Amir states that “I wished I too had some kind of scar that would beget Baba’s sympathy. It wasn’t fair. Hassan hadn’t done anything to ear Baba’s affections; he’d just been born with that stupid harelip.” (Hosseini 50). Through such statement, it is clear that Amir is jealous of his servant’s son (who later has been found as his half brother). Amir is jealous because he believes that he does not get enough attention, which he deserves from his father. Amir is jealous because he could resist that anyone steals the attention of his father. The betrayal of Amir towards Hassan is also an example of jealousy (Winkler 35). Amir also displayed jealousy, when he states about the bigger and fancier kite. He believed that his father would buy a kite for him, but then his father (Baba) buys a kite for Hassan (Hosseini 45).


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