





Organizations are under pressure in the current markets to learn about the markets and the technological solutions. There are financial fluctuations, unpredictable changes in the businesses. There is a learning need for the companies based on the development in science and technology. The companies need to quickly grasp the newer dynamics situations in the areas where they operate to communicate and learn the trends. This is feasible through social media. Before venturing into the ways in which the social media plays a role in the organizations. There is a need to understand about learning organization. The learning organizations have been able to sustain in the competitive environments.

They have been able to sustain and gain competitive advantages. These learning organizations have the ability to develop a big picture and conceptualize how isolate events can lead to contributing towards the objectives of growth. In this, the individuals are empowered and provided with autonomy to develop their own innate skills. These companies have been able to understand about the belief structure and the organizations. There is shared vision and learning as a team is construed to be the agents that promote growth within the company. These collectivistic notions enable in development of independent thought process, gain tools to easily bring in changes within the company and have been able to meet the financial demands of the company. Hence, the need for learning within the organization is of paramount importance.