




Strong’s The Experience of Buddhism is an authentic text, which may be utilized as a companion guide to ancient Buddhist texts in order to reach out to the core philosophical depictions included in such texts. However, the book may be exclusively utilized as a stand-alone text that genuinely reflects on the various tenets of Buddhism and the manner in which it has been interpreted over the years.  The various translations of original Buddhist scripture and their basic interpretations are covered in the book, which makes it an ideal guide for beginners, intermediary and advanced explorers of Buddhist philosophy. The book is mainly dedicated to the stance of Buddhist religion and philosophy in India, a place where it originated and in South-East Asian regions, where it is now the dominant religion and in the West where it has exerted a considerable impact with its meditative philosophy. The book coherently assembles a distinctive analysis of the diverse socio-cultural strata of Buddhism, offering an insight into the wider arena of Buddhist religious and philosophical prevalence.