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“从来没有比这更能预示死亡的了。在他们的姐姐向他们透露了名字后,这对双胞胎兄弟来到猪圈的垃圾箱里,在那里他们存放着他们的祭祀工具,并挑选了最好的两把刀”(Marquez, 30岁)。作为一种仪式,传统决定了我们遵循什么。传统通常在一个人的体内被吸收,当他们还是孩子的时候就被反复灌输,所以通常没有第二个理由来解释在一种情况下必须做什么。当有人去世时,人们会守灵,因为守灵可能是一种文化或家庭传统。在维萨里奥孪生兄弟的例子中,对于死亡的发生是毫无疑问的,因此马尔克斯说,没有比这更能预言死亡的了。在这里,死亡实际上被视为一种传统。桑提亚哥对维查里奥的姐妹们做了错事,所以他的死是传统、仪式和命令。因此,这对维萨里奥孪生兄弟,在拿着他们的祭祀工具去杀他的时候,从来没有怀疑过。他们拿了一把刀,一把修剪刀,另一把大得多的刀,然后出发去磨。一旦实际行动完成,他们就会向神父宣布他们已经杀了人。然而,在这样的宣言中,他们没有任何悔恨,因为他们的信仰体系使他们坚定地认为,他们所做的一切都是他们所期望的。在上帝和其他人面前,他们宣称自己仍然是无辜的。


“There had never been a death more foretold. After their sister revealed the name to them, the Vicario twins went to the bin in the pigsty where they kept their sacrificial tools and picked out the two best knives” (Marquez 30). Traditions dictate what we follow as a ritual. Traditions are usually so imbibed within a person, and inculcated form when they are children, that no second reasoning is usually given to what must be done in a situation. When there is a death, people have a wake, because it could be a cultural or family tradition to do so. In the case of the Vicario twins, there are no doubts whatsoever as to that a death had to happen, and hence the comment made by Marquez, that there was never a death more foretold. Here death was in fact considered as a tradition. Santiago did something wrong to the Vicario’s sisters so it was tradition, ritual and mandate for him to die. The Vicario twins, therefore, never had a doubt as they went to take their sacrificial tools to kill him. They took one of the knives, a trimmer and the other a much larger one and then set off to have these knives sharpened. Once the actual deed was done, they go on to declare to the priest that they have killed. However, in such a declaration, they do not have any remorse as their belief system had hardened them into thinking that what they did was what had been expected from them. Before God and before everybody else, they declared they were still innocent.

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