


许多组织模型提供具体指导道德行为的行为准则,员工手册,使用专业规范和决策模型等背景天空之城,任命新首席执行官后,办公室将改变其leadershipstyle和行为能很强烈地影响员工的想法,并提供新方向公司经营业务。根据道德行为的情景模型,道德行为是由任何个体的道德推理的复杂性决定的(Johnson, 2017)。公司所执行的“成功的五大支柱”是道德推理如何帮助做出正确决定的最好例子。它还确保了每一个员工在履行他们对公司目标的责任时,都有很强的责任心。公司积极主动的传播文化,不仅将他们的需要联系起来,而且为社会带来更大的利益。为了加强当前的变革,使用参与式领导风格和实施书面行为准则对于在组织内建立道德决策至关重要(DeCremer, 2010)。




Many organizations provide specific guidance to model ethical behaviour by way of a code of conduct, Employees handbook, using professional codes and decision-making model etc. In context to Sky city, after the appointment of New Chief Executive, office will bring in a change in its leadershipstyle and behaviours which can strongly influence the minds of the employees and provide new direction to the company to run their operations. According to the Episodic Model of Ethical behaviour, moral behaviours are determined by the sophistication of any individual’s moral reasoning (Johnson, 2017). The five pillars of success executed by company is the best example of how moral reasoning helps in taking correct decisions. It also ensures how each and everystaff is strongly committee in fulfilling their responsibility towards the company goals. The company exercises proactive communicating culture which not only connects their necessity but also provides asustainableenvironment for greater community benefit. In order to enhance the current change, the use of participative leadership style and implementing a written code of conduct behaviours are essential to establish an ethicaldecision making within the organization (DeCremer, 2010).


To conclude, from the above instances, it is understood that innovation can produce dramatic changes to the way the business is done. At the same time, it changes the way consumer experiences the products and services which are made by the companies. The speed of change is crucial factors in keeping the competitions going in a branch of activities. The speedtendsto compoundthe effects of every drive of change whetheritis servicedevolution or industry. SkyCity canbring in the change and innovation by adopting participative leadership style and ethicalbehaviour of the code of conduct which will guide the workforce on how to improve in their services to provide maximum benefit to their customers.