

本文主要讲文化差异,当文化差异被忽视或拒绝时,它们会导致工作中的非生产性环境,这反过来又限制了组织通过多样化的文化劳动力来开发其未开发的机会(Robinson et al., 2007)。然而,必须集中注意查明这些差异,因为这也有助于排除或减少因文化多样性及其有利于本组织的利用而产生的冲突。因此,要在多元文化的全球环境中进行有效的管理,就必须了解这些差异,并学会利用这些差异带来的好处,而不是试图忽视这些差异,或只允许造成问题。本篇英国代写被抓文章由英国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

When cultural differences are neglected or rejected, they lead towards unproductive environment at work which in turn restricts the organization from its untapped opportunities exploitation through diversified workforce of culture (Robinson et al., 2007). Still, it is required to focus on identifying such differences as this also helps either in excluding or reducing the conflicts which arise from diversity of culture and its exploitation in favour of the organization. Therefore, for effective management in a multicultural global environment, it is required to understand the contrasts and learn using them to the benefit instead of either attempting at ignoring these or allowing simply to cause issues.
Hence, it is essential for senior management to drive the diversity management process as an institutional management strategy present within a holistic framework for effective management of diversity in culture. According to Gwele (2009), it was further stated that the benefit of strategically positioning management of diversity as an essential part of the strategic direction in an institution cannot be over focused (Sadri et al., 2012). Henceforth, strategy results in playing an essential role when positioning and assimilating diversity at high level of long term direction for an organization.
There are various conceptualizations to manage diversity of culture that is evident across literature. Cultural diversity presence within a company is evident as an enhancement of the creativity level, issues in-depth analysis, improvised making of decisions, being flexible, fostering innovation with diversity in perspective, its approaches in perspective and practices of business (Thomas, 2011). Diverse origination of culture is even evident as something which leads towards assuring beneficial result within an organization. Cultural diversity, however, further tends to create situations wherein there is miscommunication, enhanced tension, cohesion inadequacy and negative effects commitment over the performance of an organization. Therefore, the general view differs in the way in which organizations view the benefits and cultural diversity disadvantages within their daily operations (Topi, 2004).
