


尽管如此,当文章强调股票投资可能在一段时间内提供更好的回报时,这是正确的,直到基础设施投资开始。当美国的税收储备将继续膨胀时,这些计算将被考虑进去,而且它可能不会出台激进的措施和政策来扰乱资金流动。正如在2008年金融危机中所观察到的,一个拥有股票和债券混合或平衡投资组合的投资者损失最少(Arends, 2016)。此外,当人们对通胀或通缩存在重大担忧时,如果投资者青睐债券,股市下跌将无法保护投资者。简单的逻辑是,股票总是与债券价格挂钩,许多跨国公司的债务数据反映在政府债券价格中。随着跨国公司不断选择债务融资进行扩张,这将影响政府债券价格的上涨,并成为一个甜蜜的投资地点,一个有担保的投资地点。


债务是一种基本的融资模式,与许多情况下成本更高的股票相比,这证明了债务将在经济增长开始时推动银行复苏。当利率稳定下来时,它将再次具有吸引力,因为增长推动将增加为扩张项目融资的资金需求(Ramakrishnan, 2016)。它们不像股票那样波动剧烈,甚至不像股票那样昂贵。债务和债券有几种媒介,如债券、有担保债券、固定收益债券和市场挂钩债券。它们都在为特朗普迫切渴望的快速增长提供资金方面发挥了巨大作用。随着债务成为投资项目的资金来源,债券将成为投资者在投资组合中必须拥有的最佳选择。如果利率预计将上升,而特朗普的计划预计对投资不安全,那么投资债券的理由将变得更加充分,因为投资者将没有其他安全的投资选择。因此,随着市场企稳、投资回升、税收政策出台,被投资者视为垃圾债券的债券将回归市场,为美国企业的扩张提供债务融资。


Having said that when the article stresses that equity investments may offer better returns for a period of time, it is correct until the infrastructure investments kicks off. Inflation will be controlled by lowering tax rates, which includes corporate tax rates and repatriation tax rates. These are calculations that are to be considered when the US tax revenue kitty will keep swelling, and it may not introduce drastic measures and policies to disturb the flow of funds. As observed in the 2008 financial crisis, an investor who has a mixture or a balanced portfolio of equities and bonds would have suffered the least loss (Arends, 2016). Further, when there are major fears of inflation or deflation, the stock markets going down will not be able to protect an investors if bonds are preferred, the simple logic being stocks are always linked to the bond prices with many multinationals debt figures reflecting in the government bond prices. As multinationals keep opting for debt finance for expansion, which they as investments will demand, it will affect the government bond prices to rise and become a sweet investments post, a secured investment spot.


Debt is one of the fundamental modes of finance, compared to equity which is costlier in many cases, proving that debts will bounce bank when growth kicks up. It is poised to be attractive again, when interest rates are stabilised as growth push will increase the requirement of money for financing expansion projects (Ramakrishnan, 2016). They are not as volatile as equities and even not as expensive as equities. Debts and bonds have several mediums such as debentures, secured bonds, fixed income bonds, and market linked bonds. They all play a massive role in financing the burgeoning growth that Trump so desperately desires. As debts go in funding investments projects, projects that are best placed for fixed income debt repayments, bonds will be the best offering any investor must have of his portfolio. If interest rates are expected to climb up and Trump’s plans is expected to be unsafe for investments, the reason for investing in bonds will become more strong, as there would be no other safe investment option for investors. Thus, bonds seen as junk material by investors will come back as the market stabilises, investments pick up, and tax policies kicks in, giving a growth impetus to US corporations who will secure debt finance for expansion.