


Common equity based additional layer consisting of buffer for capital conservation
A capital buffer of counter cyclical nature placing restrictions over participations through system wide banks credit based booms with the aim to reduce their credit busts losses
A ratio for leverage with a minimum ratio of liquidity and the ratio for liquidity coverage with the aim of providing sufficient capital for covering needs of funding over a period of stress of 30 days and a ratio of long term.
The key in this solution lies in analysing the way in which data is used for developing the models of credit risk and the way in which they impact the models output. The key also lies in analysing the impact that has over portfolio management use. There are several limitations of data to evaluate models of credit risk with considerable framework . With regard to dataset of panel, credit information is commonly enough in the dimension of cross section, but it is quiet limited in the dimension of time. Such limitation has led towards credit risk models users for constructing alternative processes to validate such models. An example can be quoted of credit risk models having evaluation through use of the method of stress testing. For such a method, a performance of model can be evaluated with regard to scenarios of event whether constructed artificially or with basis over history based results. One probable scenario of stress is the several sovereign borrower’s simultaneous default. After specifying the scenario, the forecast in the model under such situation was analysed for seeing if they make sense intuitively (Crouhy et al., 2000). Even though such practice might result in providing a check based consistency with regard to several assumptions of models, a scenario still does not take place. Researchers, recently have started to compare the forecasts from distinct models of credit risk considering same assumptions on their parameters underlying them for example stated through Mark et al, (1998) and Koyluoglu et al, (1998).
