

本篇文章讲员工的赋权和参与的重要性,授权有助于分享权力,也有助于组织下属的权力授权。由此产生的结果是,那些在员工层次结构中处于较低位置的员工被赋予了决策和设定目标的责任。没有每个组织成员的参与,就无法提出通过多样性实现最佳目标的目标。Daft(1997)认为,组织需要进行多样性意识的培训,以帮助个人意识到他们的文化边界、刻板印象和偏见(Roth et al., 2010)。这种类型的培训帮助个人学习如何共同工作或生活。本篇英国代写论文文章由英国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Empowerment helps in sharing power and also in power authority delegation for organization subordinates. The consequence from this is that those employees which are low in hierarchy of employee’s are provided responsibility to make decisions as well as to set goals. Without participation of every organization members, the goals to capture the best that can be achieved by diversity cannot be brought forward. According to Daft (1997), organizations need to have training for diversity awareness for helping individuals to be aware of their individual boundaries of culture, their stereotypes and also their prejudices (Roth et al., 2010). This type of training helps individuals to learn how they have to work or live collectively.
It further helps individuals to handle conflicting situations in a constructive way so as to result in decreasing negative energy and stress when working within diversified teams. Management furthermore, needs to motivate programs for mentoring according to Sadri et al. (2002), through its formal announcements and to ensure that there are sufficient individuals who can serve as tutors (Schein, 2014). Mentoring can help diverse workforce members to try and assimilate into the culture of organization and this also can help managers to modify any stereotype of inaccurate nature and ethnocentric nature. Such process also becomes a win-win circumstance when mentors are awarded for the efforts they undertook.
Another topic or issue of discussion with regard to cultural diversity management is knowledge management.According to Harris (2001), it can be stated that knowledge is something that gets contained in the employee’s minds and it is possibly the individual resource which is when utilized results in enhancing other capital values and does not result in diminishing its value (Stevens et al., 2011). From the 4 processes which characterize management of knowledge inclusive of codification, transfer, generation and sharing knowledge, there are various perspective which are present which result in possible reluctance of employees for sharing what they are aware of. Knowledge sharing, furthermore might be the most susceptible to cross cultural differences influences across an organization.
