英国 代写-马斯洛的需求层次理论的举例说明


本文主要讲述的是马斯洛的需求层次理论的举例说明,在这种情况下运用马斯洛的需求层次理论,可以看出我对导游这个职位非常不满意,原因如下。当导游的时候,需要人类天生的理解力。导游需要根据人们的需要发挥作用。在某种程度上,我相信我吸收了一些游客的需求,这反映了我对自己需求的不满。例如,考虑生理需要,如住所和睡眠等。这些是人民生存的基本需要。因此,从事这项工作的根本原因是确保这些需要得到满足。本篇英国 代写文章由英国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Applying the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in this situation, it can be seen that the position of tour guide was extremely dissatisfactory to me because of the following reasons. While working as a tour guide, an innate human understanding is required. The tour guide needs to function based on the needs of the people. In a way, I believe I absorbed some of the needs of the tourists and this reflected on my own needs of creating the dissatisfaction.For instance, consider the physiological needs like shelter and sleep etc. These are the basic needs that are required for the survival of the people. Hence the fundamental reason for taking up this job was to ensure that these needs are met.
Similarly, tourists come to the spa because they wanted a well-rested weekend. They need to visit a safe space that meets their basic physical needs. Looking at these needs being met for others while I was walking around pulling extra shifts like a zombie made my work unsatisfactory to me. I believe if I could have balanced my work life and my sleep better, I would have been more satisfied. Consider how social needs exist for people. This includes the need to be loved or a sense of belonging needs to be developed.
The people who visit a space need to feel welcome for them to continue to feel like they belong in the spaces. Fourth level is the sense where the individual needs to feel respected. Imbalances in these issues lead the people to result in low self-esteem and inferiority. As a tour guide, it was felt that whenever the visitors spoke in a disparaging tone to me, I could feel a deep sense of inferiority. We were expected to socialize just enough to get the job done. Hence, it felt too artificial for me. This sense of made up values in the workplace destroyed any appreciation of self-actualization that I would feel entitled in the future. However, the tool was useful to understand how my motivation lay within some defined needs.
