英国 代写-人口老龄化的影响及应对


本文主要讲的是人口老龄化的影响及应对,这个国家的老龄人口在增加。这些导致了消费者意识的提高,并导致人们受到影响。老年人无法满足游客的需求和需求(Williams & Page, 2011)。有些因素促成了这个地方的发展。然而,国家不能仅仅依靠这些现有的资源来维持。技术发生了变化,消费者希望这些需求能够得到满足。必须在向人民提供服务的方式中考虑到文化的发展和全球主义。这样做是为了给参与过程的所有利益相关者带来全面的增长。本篇英国 代写文章由英国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There is the rise in the aging population of the nation. These lead to increase in the consumer awareness and cause the people to be impacted. The aging people cannot cater to the requirement of the tourist and meet the demands (Williams & Page, 2011). There are certain factors that enable the growth of the place. However, the nation cannot only sustain based on these existing resources. There is a change in the technology and the consumers expect these needs to be met. It is the development of the cultures and a globalism that must be factored in the ways the services are rendered to the people. These are done in order to bring a holistic growth for all the stakeholders who are involved in the process.
Given the competition and the financial insecurities, the companies need to work on the ways to bring in a more holistic and unique service rendering. These have been detailed in the following.
Unique value proposition is created to define the value by the owners. Hotels will be challenges with respect to unique value proposition particularly because how the hotels will need to understand two different forms of consumer segments. USPs as usual dependent on the increased revenues and decreased operating costs (Cleaver et al., 2000). There must be improvement in the efficiencies that lead towards the increase in the market share of the consumers. The employees need to work in cohesion with the management ideas to bring in more productivity, while meeting the service deliverables that are required. The development of a value proposition depends on a number of factors (Harmon et al., 1999). These are detailed in the following.
The competition of the industry is found to be diverse and dynamic (Yang & Jolly, 2008). The competition is very fluid as the marketplace keeps changing according to the various tenets. There is a need for a qualitative analysis and internal reviews to constantly meet the demands of the external situation (Reisenwitz & Iyer, 2007). The consumer expectation needs to be considered in this paradigm. They are found to be different based on the segment and by guest. The experienced frequent traveller would expect loyalty program and rewards for choosing the same establishment. The leisure traveller is looking for newer innovative experience (Coleman et al., 2006; Lipschultz, et al., 2007).
