





“当一个人接受竞争优势是通过满足客户和发展人员的双重焦点获得时,就会对伦理和商业文化之间的关系产生模糊的解释”(Lozano, 1998)。当涉及到道德决策时,管理观点所面临的挑战是回答一个理性的人在道德困境中会做什么。研究人员Hojnacki(2004)认为,在不考虑文化影响的情况下,应该应用三条管理规则。首先,必须运用私利原则。这是一条规则,首先确定从决策中获益的人。这可能是经理做的,也可能是其他人。第二,决定或行动必须由管理人员在更广泛的范围内加以考虑,如谁将受到影响。这有助于从所有利益相关者的角度理解道德行为。最后,这里有一个利益与负担的观点。这是为了了解最终结果是有好处还是有负担。对于团队中的管理者来说,可能会出现的文化问题是,当个人共同完成一个项目时,团队的核心价值观可能是一致的,也可能是不同的。群体中的个体通常会为了群体的价值而牺牲自己的价值。现在重要的问题是要理解在面对伦理问题时这些价值观是一致的还是群体动力会受到巨大的压力成为一个问题。这需要由管理者来调节。当文化的影响被引入讨论时,管理人员对道德决策的感知就变得更具挑战性。


Culture has much to do with how people think and how people manage their diversified interests. In particular it is established that people in different cultures tend to have relative ethical interests and absolute ethical standards. Ethical standards are accepted as per the environment that people are in. They are considered as the majority good considered by a populace within a place setting. In societal structures where people do not follow the required ethical standards then there will be sanctions imposed or other penalties according to the laws imposed on such places. The consequences of unethical behavior will be dependent on the form of rulemaking that exists in the society in which the person lives. The enforcers of these rules are considered to be the authorities in decision making. An analogy can be drawn between society as an institution and an actual corporate institution. Management perspectives on ethical practices and decision making is drawn from influences on ethics. Influence on ethics is from both external factors and interact factors. Culture is associated to organization as both an external and internal factor. Culture of the country where the organization operates in is significant. Culture can also be understood as the cultural background of the sum majority of people who are working with the organization.


Culture as a Challenge to Managerial Perspectives

“Ambiguous interpretations of the relationship between ethics and business culture occur when one accepts that competitive advantage is gained through a dual focus: satisfying customers and developing people” (Lozano, 1998). The challenges to managerial perspectives when it comes to ethical decision making is answering for what a reasonable person would do in an ethical dilemma. In a situation where the impact of culture is perhaps not considered, then according to researcher Hojnacki (2004) three management rules should be applied. Firstly, the rule of private gain must be applied. This is a rule where the person who gains from the decision is first identified. This could be the manager making the deicison or others. Secondly, the decision or action must be considered by the manager in a broader context, as in who would be affected. This can help understand ethical behavior in terms of all stakeholders. Finally, there is a benefit versus burden perspective here. This is to understand whether there are benefits as end result or whether there are burdens. Now the cultural issues that could arise as challenges to the manager in the group are that when individuals work together on a prject, the core values of the group could be aligned or could be different. Individuals within a group usually end up compromising their own values for a group value. Now the important question is to understand if in facing ethical issues would such values be aligned or would group dynamics come under immense pressure becomes a question. This needs to be moderated by managers. Managerial perception on ethical decision making becomes more challenging when the influence of culture is brought into the discussion.