


本文作者Erin Hambrick是美国堪萨斯城密苏里大学心理学系的研究员和学者。作者之一David McCord是美国北卡罗来纳州卡洛韦市西卡罗莱纳大学心理学系的学者。这篇论文发表在第8期第8卷。2 .《个体差异研究》杂志。本文的目的是建立稳定的人格特征与应对能力之间的系统联系。作者使用实验数据来说明这种关联的假设位置。研究强调了人格的重要作用及其对一般适应的影响。并对人格影响应对能力的原因进行了解释。本研究采用M5-336问卷(M5-336)和积极应对量表(PCI)对美国东南公立大学心理学专业49名本科生进行了研究。本研究的结果与五因子模型的所有领域和层面相关。该研究建立的概念,以理解先前的理论应对在一个学术框架,支持人格的强大作用。本研究的结论表明,由于人格的外在影响,一些人在面对压力时,会承受较少的生活压力或能够以更健康的方式应对。这篇文章的来源是非常真实和有效的,可以为理解研究课题提供有效的指导。


Straud C。McNaughton-Cassill, M。, & Fuhrman, R.(2015)。大学生积极应对和预防性应对人格五因素模型的作用。人格和个体差异,83,60 -64。


The author of this research paper Erin Hambrick, is a researcher and scholar at Department of Psychology, University of Missouri, Kansas City, United States. The co-author David McCord is scholar at Department of Psychology, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina, United States. This paper was published in the volume 8 of issue no. 2 of the journal “Individual Differences Research”. The aim of this paper is to establish the methodical associations between stable personality characteristics and coping ability. Experimental data is used by the authors to illustrate the hypothetical position of this association. The research highlights the important role of personality and its impact on the general adaptation. Also, the explanations are formed regarding the reasons which enable the personality to affect the coping ability. The paper evaluates the results from research which involved the M5-336 Questionnaire (M5-336) and the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI) experiment on 49 undergraduate psychology students of South Eastern public university of the United States. The result of this research was correlated with all fields and facets of the Five-Factor Model. The research establishes the concepts to comprehend prior theories of coping within an academic framework that supports the powerful role of personality. The conclusions of this research suggest that owing to the dispositional effect of personality, some individuals will bear fewer life stressors or be able to cope in a healthier way when challenged with stressors. This article is from a highly authentic and valid source which would give effective guidance to understand the research topic.


Straud, C., McNaughton-Cassill, M., & Fuhrman, R. (2015). The role of the Five Factor Model of personality with proactive coping and preventative coping among college students. Personality and Individual Differences, 83, 60-64.