


在这种情况下,利益相关者同意在规定的时间内以固定的价格出售特定的证券。尽管市场波动,但它们仍保持不变。这允许参与过程的涉众将所涉及的风险最小化。在市场上,如果投资者以一个价格购买了在一段时间内购买资产的权利,那么他实际上购买了看涨期权(Bernanke, 2006)。如果他购买了以特定价格出售资产价值的权利,他就购买了看跌期权。这是两种可用于求导的选项。




它们与期权的基本主题相同,但安全的概念在这个因素中发生了变化(Bernanke, 2006)。保持证券的固定价格和固定利率更为重要。它还允许投资者在市场上制造未来的金融证券。


In this the stakeholders agree to sell the particular security for a fixed price within the stipulated time frame. They remain the same in spite of the fluctuations of the market. This allows for the stakeholders involved in the process to minimize the risks involved. In the markets, if the investors purchase the right to buy an asset within a time frame at one price he has essentially purchased the call options (Bernanke, 2006). If he purchases the right to sell the asset value for a particular price he has purchased the put option. These are the two kinds of options that are available for the derivative.


In this kind of derivative the stakeholders agree to swap the benefits of the particular derivative. This would allow the stakeholders to mines risk in the process.


They also work in the same underlying theme as the Options but the concept of security is changed in this factor (Bernanke, 2006). There is more importance given to maintaining the fixed price and the fixed interest rate of the security. It allows the investor to make future financial securities in the markets as well.