




The business idea that is proposed in this model is that the consumers can have access to the real-time producers in the local communities. They can incorporate the ways in which the company can make direct sales to the consumers by avoiding the people in the middle. The business model that would be used for this analysis is the multisided platform. There are many stakeholders who will join under a common portal. The vision statement is ensuring that there is quality and sustainability for all the members in the community. The value proposition that would be used by the community is to ensure that the people can have direct connection with the members of the community. The eco conscious consumer and the family audience are considered in this model. The consumer segments are the middle-class consumer who is looking for good deals and healthier food option. The macro environmental factors suggest that there will be sales made on the emotion that is garnered by the company. The company needs to connect with the consumer by using the social media portals. The source of funding is the crowd source modelling for the consumer. There is competitive analysis that is done for this business idea. The risk analysis for this business model is developed based on the internal, macro environmental factors and the meso- analytic process. It is alluded that the main issues are the cash flow and sustenance of the company. The exit strategy for the company is to sell the company to another bigger company with the same ideology once the threshold amount 50000 consumers have been reached. These are some of the main issues that need to be addressed in this process. Based on these factors, the conclusion and the future growth trends have been determined. It can be alluded that the current trends there will be increase in this business model. More people are now worried about how they can have access to the real foods rather than the processed food in the industry. These are some of the determinations that have been drawn from this analysis. A more detailed nuanced discussion has been detailed in the following.