




Monsoon Clothing or simply known as Monsoon, is a brand which is based in United Kingdom. It deals in women clothing and also in the online business through e-commerce website. It has vowed to provide the high ethical and moral standards throughout their supply chain model and management. Based in United Kingdom, it has a worldwide business and its workers, tiers, and craftspeople are always engaged in satisfying the needs of the customers and consumers.
Established in the seventies, Monsoon has grown into a worldwide brand and one of the leading clothing vendors, and still is committed to the roots of its success which was hand craft inventory. Monsoon makes sure that whoever is involved in manufacturing their products is treated fairly and is also properly rewarded. Monsoon clothing’s have also established a welfare trust, which takes care of the communities which are vulnerable to the decreasing economy, in different parts of the world through their supply chain. This welfare trust is known as Monsoon Accessorize Trust. It was established in the year 1994, and it supports over ten thousand women and children each year in their education, maintain their health, and generating income for them through different projects.