

本文主要讲述的是广告对Y一代人的影响,属于这一代人的人也需要跳出广告的框框去思考。Y一代的消费者是精通技术的一代,他们每天都被广告淹没。这些人也是敏锐的观察者。因此,这些人可以受到广告牌、建筑物、公共交通站点上的广告的影响,也可以通过网络浏览器、移动设备和电视获得互联网上的信息(Goldsmith et al, 2002)。Y一代是有创造力的一代,他们寻找创造力。本篇英国管理学论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The people belonging to this generation also need to think outside the advertisement box. The consumers belonging to Gen Y are the tech savvy generation which is inundated with the advertisements on the daily basis. These people are also keen observers. Thus, these people can be influenced by the advertisements which are there on the billboards and the buildings, in public transit stations, from the information which is available on the internet through the web browsers and mobile devices and on the TVs (Goldsmith et al, 2002). Generation Y is the creative generation and they look for creativity.
Rather than the usual advertisements, this generation can be more attracted to something that is more creative. Be it the unique brand image or the interesting tagline, creativity is something that influences the people of this generation. Generation Y is much more attracted to brands which are popular and use creative promotional mediums (Raines, 2002). Thus in order to be successful, it is important that they should communicate to these people and create innovative product campaigns. Thus, the slogan of Gen Y is that they like to play with everything and they are together.
In order to market to the generation Y, it is important to follow some of the important things. Firstly, it is important that the marketing should be done very fast. They like to view short ads and small tag-lines. Secondly, Gen Yers can be attracted by being clever. According to the head of research of MTV, these people can be connected by being smart and funny. These are set to be one of the most educated generations and have the best education record in comparison to others. Thirdly, the Gen Y’ers values more and more transparency (Chu, 2011). More is the transparency in the way of advertisement done by the brands, more success they will be able to do. The people belonging to this generation are more arrogant and entitled, but they love to be transparent. Fourthly, this is the generation born in the digital age. But, they are not dependent entirely on technology (Mangold, 2007). These are the people who do not use technology and take every decision sub-consciously. The millennial may not like the advertisement of the product, but they will give the highest regards to something that is non-invasive, non-interruptive and adds something great to their experience (Wells et al, 2011).
