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Now the global savings Glut hypothesis seems to state that the economic down spiral was caused because of the savings exceeding investment. Now traditional imbalances were considered to be caused by means of difference in national level savings and the amount that was invested. Usually, there are three forms of sources for savings which are the household sector, the business sector and also the government sector. Now in order to consider that other countries’ saving is the root cause of problems, the United States’ over consuming cannot be accepted in its entirety. Now although there is some truth to the argument that the Chinese economy is a high saving economy and seems to have led to some imbalance in exports, considerations have to be made for fiat money as well. Fiat money is money that is legally tendered and might not have physical commodity to backup it. China also had a growing economy with GDP increase at 46 percent as recorded in 2009 and has attractive investment opportunities as well. Therefore, much of saving will be absorbed into these opportunities and it cannot really be said that Chinese were surplus saving. This is the basic argument made in the research work.