


团队合作是非常重要的在几乎每一个方面的工作。团队工作是更重要的是随着业务的增长。据陈,Donahue & Kilmoski(2004),由雇主团队合作价值超过任何其他技能。因此在一段时间研究的重点一直在合作。项目工作期间分配给团队的教育使他们了解协同效应,可以,和方面的分歧会导致生产力下降。沃森(2003)进行的这项研究表明,人格和需要在一个团队中可能相差很大。因此良好的人际交往能力包括团队合作是非常重要的在处理可能出现的特殊情况。在当前的商业环境团队合作技能是非常重要的雇主。雇主通常寻找全面员工外交、应变能力强,在团队中工作和同龄人之间能够建立网络。


Team Work is very important aspect in almost every kind of job. The team work is more important as the business grows. According to Chen, Donahue & Kilmoski (2004), team work is valued more by employers than any other skill. As a result the focus of studies over the period of time has been on collaborative effort. The project work that is assigned to teams during education enable them to understand the synergies that can be there, the point of disagreements and the aspects that can result in reduced productivity. The study conducted by Watson (2003) shows that the personalities and needs within a team can vary enormously. Thus good people skills including teamwork are very important in dealing with peculiar situations that may come up. In the current business environment teamwork skills are very important to employers. Employers typically look for well-rounded employees who are diplomatic, resourceful, work well in teams and are able to build networks among their peers.