

本文主要讲对人民问题的思考,日本发生海啸之后,所有国家都为国家的重建工作做出了贡献。在尼加拉瓜等新兴国家,妇女合作协会找到了解决环境破坏问题的方法(Kubey & Csikszentmihalyi, 2013)。每当发生自然灾害或个人受到破坏时,当地社区的人们就会一起来解决人民的问题。这一信号对世界的生计是有希望的。在这个国家,人们的参与和意识都有所提高。在最近的曼彻斯特袭击事件中,某些人实施了这种行为。本篇英国酒店管理论文代写文章由英国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the wake of the Tsunami in Japan, all the nations contributed towards the rebuilding efforts of the nation. In the emerging nations such as Nicaragua, the women cooperative societies have found ways to address the issues of environmental damage (Kubey & Csikszentmihalyi, 2013). Every time a natural calamity or individual destruction, people in the local communities come together to address the issues of the people. This signal is hopeful in the sustenance of the world. There is increase in the participation and awareness that are observed in the nation. In the recent Manchester attack, the act for perpetrated by certain individuals.
Nevertheless, the people in the community came together to address the issues of the victims. Community participation was evident after the attack. People in the nation came together to fight against fear. The majority of the people want a life that is peaceful and aide towards the development of the communities. A participation is needed in the communities to find solutions. In the past, there was no real awareness as to what happened in the near communities. In the current times the issues faced by the people are known across the globe. More awareness and more participation is needed. These efforts taken by the people need to be lauded
While the issues of the people are real and at the same time the number of people who want peaceful resolution for the same issues are genuine. From an emotional standpoint, progress and solutions cannot be developed without hope. The people need to find ways to work towards the issue keeping hope in mind. Based on these theories, it is eluded that hope and quality of life have proved in the recent times. These are the main analogies that can be made from these theories.
