




等待时间理论的应用是对课堂上使用的适当策略有适当的理解。这涉及到认知学习和认知发展理论的实践。在认知学习理论中,从长期记忆中提取信息。这受等待时间的影响。给学生更多的时间来批判性地分析所问的问题。学生可以从知识和技能中获得大师。这些都是与性能目标相关的因素。使用等待时间还可以了解人们的行为和相应的反应(Duncan, & Noonan, 2007)。在这个训练方面,还有脚手架的使用。在这种情况下,脚手架是辅助学习的,学生最终可以在没有老师输入的情况下进行对话。脚手架的使用类型也称为引导参与。教师使用一些技巧让学生参与他们以前没有做过的事情。除此之外,应用语言学的理论也被老师应用了。


The wait time strategy is about waiting for the answer before the question is asked. The teacher picks a person to ask a question and waits till there is a response. In this case the teachers make an open statement and looks at the different participants to engage them with meaningful dialogs and communication. The wait time theory is a strategy that grants the students with more time to think. Before questioning the student, the teacher asks the students to have a dialogue with the assigned partners. The probability for the students to discuss the agenda makes them more adept in handling the situation.


The use of the wait time theory is that there is proper comprehension as to the appropriate strategy that is used in the classroom. These involve the practice of cognitive learning and cognitive development theory. In the case of cognitive learning theory, there is pulling information from the long-term memory. This is influenced by wait time. More time is given to the students to critically analyse about the questions that are asked. There are masters that the students can gain from the knowledge and skills. These are the factors that are related to the performance goals. The use of the wait time also enables in learning about how the people behave and respond accordingly (Duncan, & Noonan, 2007). In this training aspect, there is the use of the scaffolding as well. In this case the scaffolding is aided learning where the students can eventually be able to carry on a conversation without the input from the teachers. The use of the type of scaffolding is also known as guided participation. The teachers use a number of techniques to get the students to participate in their actions which they have not done previously. Added to this the theories of applied linguistics have been used by the teacher.