


包容性培养了学生更强的韧性,使他们能够接受失败和挑战,理解自己的局限和优点,而特殊教育却没有给特殊学生这样的机会,他们实际上需要更多的爱和支持,才能从心理角度克服残疾。特殊教育并没有全纳教育中所看到的进步的具体目标,因此缺乏使学生能够像师范生那样沿着年龄进步的基本生存条件。这种差异是合理的期望,是由各自的教育制度。全纳教育对学生寄予厚望,要求学生成为社会各阶层共存、均衡发展的火炬手。特殊教育将他们的期望设定得很低,并且只在一个灵活的目标下满足残疾学生的能力,因此特殊学生的成长只能达到他或她能够展示的程度,而不能达到系统的要求(Hornby, 2016)。


McLeskey沃尔德伦& Redd(2012)在他们的研究宣称,当特殊学生在学校转移到一个包容性的教育环境,和教师适应新的教学方式,正常是维持正常和特殊的判断学生之间通过教学技能,结果是令人满意的。这是其中一项研究,该研究表明,当特殊学生在一个学校的运行环境中被包容时,随着教师态度和教学技能的改变,特殊学生发现这是有益的。在这一过程中,师范生也会认识到异常学生的存在,并自然而然地感到自己因没有残疾而得到了回报。所有的师范生都学会了接受特殊的学生作为更大的社会结构的一部分,并从在校的日子里发展出一种相互同情和支持的意识(《全纳教育的好处》,2015)。另一方面,特长生在包容体系中不会感到孤立,这对他们的自我形象是有利的。


Inclusiveness develops a stronger resilience in students to accept defeat and challenges and to understand one’s limits and excellences, whereas special education fails in giving this chance to special students, who in fact requires more love and support to overcome their disabilities on a psychological standpoint. Special education does not have a specific goal of the progress that is seen in inclusive education, and therefore it lacks the primary condition of their existence to enable students to progress along their years as the normal students do. This difference is justified by the expectations that are set by the respective education systems. Inclusive education sets their expectations high and demands the development of students into torchbearers of co-existence and equilibrium sustenance among all classes of society. Special education sets their expectations low and only accommodates the abilities of the disabled students in the context of a flexible goal, hence a special student only grows to an extent that he or she can exhibit, but not to the extent that the system demands (Hornby, 2016).


McLeskey, Waldron & Redd (2012) in their research asserted that when special students in a school are transferred to an inclusive education setting, and the teacher adapts a new way of teaching where normalcy is ever maintained between the judgement of normal and special students through teaching skills, the results are rewarding. This is one of the researches which states that inclusiveness when includes special students in a school going context, along with the teachers change of attitude and teaching skills, the special students find it rewarding. In this, the normal students also learn the existence of abnormal students and feel rewarded naturally by their lack of disability. All normal students learn to accept special students as a part of the larger social structure and develop from school days, a sense of compassion and support for one another (“The Benefits of Inclusive Education”, 2015). On the other hand, special students do not feel isolated when placed in inclusive system, which would be a boon for their self-image.