







由此,可以开展社会化媒体营销活动。理想情况下,个体应具有较低的感知障碍和较高的感知效益,以使人们沉迷于运动。这应该是Vic health开发的社交媒体研究的主要范式。


Vichealth Company has used quantitative survey method by utilization of online surveys to garner information from the required stakeholders. They have commissioned the University to undertake the online survey or the respective year. The respondents have been found to ask 14 questions to understand the perceived barriers and risk. The question that was posed asked the participants of their physical activity for the past 24 hours. Of these questions, 12 questions have been to understand about the knowledge of the people and understand about their BMI index. They had targeted the residents within the 20 km range area. They have been given email invitation to participate. The marketers wanted to understand their target audience and gain insights about their health to develop a campaign.


A. The perceived barriers are the aspects that prevent the individuals from indulging in exercise. These include pain, difficulties, hassles encountered along with the other impediments that prevent the people from indulging in exercise.

B. The individuals who have lower perceived barriers were found to undertake more physical activity when compared to the others. The people also have a lower BMI when compared to the others who have relatively higher benefits. The people who had considered more exercise were the people who expected a lot of health benefits and considered the exercise activity to be a joyful paradigm.

C. It was found that the knowledge gaps existing in the dietary and the exercise activities. This was pronounced in the males when compared to the women. These people required intervention and knowledge can be disseminated through marketing campaigns

From this, the social media marketing campaign can be developed. Ideally, the individuals should have low perceive barrier and high perceived benefits to indulge the people in exercise. This should be the main paradigm of the social media research that Vic health developed.