

本篇文章主要讲的是通过奖励削弱兴趣,有一种普遍的看法是,有些额外的东西是支付给一个人的某些工作,接收的个人不打算做,但将执行的额外数额。这种观点让我们想到基于绩效的薪酬只在短期内有效,因为它对即时的绩效有积极的影响(Sturman et al., 2003)。而其他的价值观在很长一段时间内主要是重要的。这些价值观包括高水平的承诺,对工作的奉献和创造愉快、尊重和富有挑战性的氛围。本篇英国市场营销论文代写文章由英国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There is a general perception that something extra is to be paid to an individual for certain work that the receiving individual does not intend to do but will perform for receiving the extra amount. This perception brings us to the notion that performance based pay is effective only for short term as it has a positive effect on performance of instant nature (Sturman et al., 2003). Whereas other values are primarily important over the long period of time. These values involve high level of commitment, dedication towards the work and creation of enjoyable, respectful and challenging atmosphere.
As per various researchers within the domain of motivational theories, it is identified that extrinsic motivation such as performance based pay replaces the intrinsic motivation such as authentic exceling drive and inward accomplishing desire. It is further identified that workers who perform the best often do it due to their love towards the work and it is not performed to merely obtain the salary (Selviaridis & Wynstra, 2015). Hence, it is viewed that the more the manager emphasizes on the amount of earning that can be made by employee for excellent working, the employee will become the less interested in performing the given work.
It is suggested through the research that apart from the tangible rewards, deadlines, directives, threats, imposed goals and pressured evaluations lower the intrinsic level of motivation due to their perception of external causes similar to the rewards reduced the control of the employee over their own environment of work (Shields et al., 2015). In comparison, it was found that choice, feelings acknowledgement and self-directive opportunities increased the motivation of intrinsic nature due to allowing workforce high autonomy feeling.
