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納斯卡賽事給賽道主辦者帶來了巨大的收入。2006年,由於納斯卡的認可,host tracks有能力創造650萬美元。主辦者同樣可以通過提供門票和獲得贊助來獲利。在1997年,根據NASCAR的制裁規定,一場集裝箱比賽可以創造大約1000萬美元的淨收入。淨收入的收益約爲600萬美元。這是一個沒有電視收入被納入收入時代循環的時代。如果這一數字被包括在內,那麼所顯示的收入的65%將把東道主的淨收益擴大到他們真實收入的兩倍。多佛汽車比賽安全與交易委員會的文件顯示,玻璃賽對於維護一個與汽車比賽相關的組織的預算生命週期至關重要。記錄中包含了多佛汽車公司的公告,說明他們如何在短短兩天的納斯卡比賽中創造出巨大的效益和收入。


On the basis of above illustrated statistics, we will try to examine the specific business dynamics and certain aspects with regards to the economic analysis of this association in this study. The plan of action embraced by NASCAR is not quite the same as different associations for some reasons. We may discover the business limited time viewpoints identified with the financed approach rather than an emphasis on getting most extreme level of advantage at its own particular as an element. NASCAR can be considered more to be an affiliation subjected to assume its part to set principles, regulations, arrangements and systems for the development of engine dashing industry. It, likewise, concentrates on the smooth business operations identified with the business keeping in mind the end goal to encourage the business elements, people and every other partner to the wager degree. The organized and sorted out methodology that has been received by the NASCAR to guarantee capricious and dubious results with respect to hustling rivalry is awesome variable of enthusiasm for the onlooker. This element builds general enthusiasm of the onlookers about the hustling amusement.

Background: Economic Model of NASCAR and Motor sports industry in United States

In 2001 NASCAR consented to a united arrangement with the TV channels about television of auto minding occasions. This got to be premise for the improvement of its financial development and tremendous measure of media incomes began to stream in the auto sports industry. NASCAR embraced an arrangement to part the TV income as to: 65 percent of the income goes to the track has, 25 percent to the drivers and group members included in the hustling and 10 percent of the income goes to the NASCAR.

NASCAR sports occasions give the track hosts to produce great measure of income. In 2006 host tracks had possessed the capacity to create $6.5 million because of the authorizing understanding marked with NASCAR. The hosts can likewise get profited moreover by offering tickets and sponsorships earned. In 1997 a container race that had directed under the NASCAR sanctions set could create net income of around $10 million. The benefit out of this net income was around $6 million. This was the time when there was no TV particular income included in the income era cycle. In the event that that would have been included then 65 percent of the showed income would have expanded the net benefit of the hosts to twofold they earned in genuine. As indicated by the documentation of Dover Motor games Security and Exchange Commission documentation, the glass races have been vital in the upkeep of budgetary lifecycle of an organization connected with the matter of auto dashing. The records incorporated the announcement by the Dover Motors about sign of the way that they figured out how to produce enormous measure of benefits and incomes in just two NASCAR days of races.

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