





快餐的传播:街道上的食物和超市里的食物变得越来越重要,尤其是由于它们提供的舒适和安逸,但营养学家越来越多地对它们提出了警告(Miller, 2016)。他们担心当地的饮食文化和饮食传统已经减少。在这种情况下,跨国公司和跨国公司加强了对国有化食品体系的控制(Miller, 2016)。随着快餐的出现,微量营养素的缺乏已经出现,特别是在发展中国家造成粮食不安全以及营养不足的压力上升。


Globalization has influenced almost every part of the world. Food industry is also one such industry which is no different. Globalization has killed the traditional food implication. So many restaurants have opened across the world with each adding different flavours to the items presented. The aim in this paper lies in taking a stance that there is negative influence of globalization on food as an individual aspect. There are several negative consequences to explore this influence taken in this essay.

There are three essential and negative influences considered in this paper with regard to food. These are inclusive of spread of fast food, cultural food or traditional food being lost and poor conditions at work resulting in creation of sweat shops especially in the developing world.


Spread of Fast food: Foods on streets as well as the foods available in supermarkets have become essential increasingly especially due to the comfort and ease that they provide, but growingly, nutritionists have raised an alarm against them (Miller, 2016). They have raised concern that the localized food culture and the traditions of food have diminished. In such a situation, multinational firms and the transnational ones have increased their control over nationalized food system (Miller, 2016). With the advent of fast food, the deficiencies of micronutrients have come forward causing the stress of insecurity of food as well as undernutrition to rise especially in the developing nations.