


如今,企业已经开始认识到领导力对于改善工作生活、承诺、绩效和工作满意度的重要性(Northouse, 2007;白金汉和沃斯堡,2001年)。当领导力得到有效执行时,员工绩效、员工对公司的承诺、保留、知识共享、增长以及继任计划都有可量化的改善(Capowski, 1994)。领导力的定义不止一个,而是几个。著名作家Gonzalez和Guillen(2002)曾引用过这样的观点:对于领导力,有多少定义就有多少定义。然而,Neely等人(2001)总结了其中一种说法,认为领导者是拥有大量追随者的人。Yukl(2006)补充说,获得和加强追随者的基础需要强大的影响技能以及良好的整合计划。


许多研究者和理论家也表示,领导几乎是类似于社会影响过程发生在定期在不同的组的成员,而一些人甚至他们的报告中提到,基本上是一个领导方法有效地领导为了达到目标(冈萨雷斯和吉兰,2002;马提瑙和所有;2004)。然而,最值得讨论的问题是,领导者是在多年的经验中出生还是培养出来的(Collier et al., 2000)。研究人员仍在试图探索领导力是可以教会的,还是仅仅是一种性格特征。Capowski(1994)进一步指出,领导艺术并不是一项简单的任务,领导者尤其需要具备专业的远见卓识、整合能力、对工作的承诺、创造力、创新本质、冒险潜力以及丰富的无私和信任。此外,考虑到上述讨论,本文试图阐明麦当劳澳大利亚首席执行官安德鲁·格雷戈里的领导风格。


In the present day, companies have begin to view the importance of leadership for improving work life, commitment, performance and job contentment (Northouse, 2007; Buckingham and Vosburgh, 2001). At the time when leadership is executed effectively, there are quantifiable enhancements in staff performance, employee commitment towards the company, retention, knowledge sharing, growth as well as succession planning (Capowski, 1994). There is not just one but several definitions for leadership. The famous writers, Gonzalez and Guillen (2002) have quoted that there are as many definitions for leadership as there exist the individuals and researchers who have attempted to define it. However, Neely et al. (2001) sum up it one statement and mentions that the leader is the person who has significant amount of followers. Yukl (2006) add to it stating that gaining and strengthening follower’s base requires strong influencing skills as well as well planned integrations.


A number of researchers and theorists have also stated that leadership is almost similar to the social influencing procedures which happen at regular basis amongst the various members of a group while some have even mentioned in their reports that leadership is basically an approach to lead efficiently in order to achieve goals (Gonzalez and Guillen, 2002; Martineau and Hannum; 2004). However, the biggest question to debate over is if leaders are born or made over the years through experiences (Collier et. al., 2000). Researchers are still trying to explore if leadership can be taught or is it merely a personality trait. Capowski (1994) add to it by mentioning that art of leadership is not an easy task and a leader in particular needs to possess expert visionary skills, integration capabilities, commitment towards work, creativity, innovative nature, risk-taking potential and abundance of selflessness and trust. Further, taking the above discussion into consideration this particular paper attempts to throw light on the leadership style of McDonalds Australia CEO i.e. Andrew Gregory.