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当前时代的职业已经重新定义。对于在不同环境中工作的不同工作者,存在许多方式来主观地理解职业经历。但是,这不是研究人员提出的职业定义变化。研究人员争论的是在职业发展的正式阶段发生的变化。威尔顿(2013)提出的转变是“从组织和社会界定正式阶段和角色的外部职业转向涉及主观意识到个人职业生涯发展的内部职业”(第306页)。从这个意义上说,可以说员工有更多的自由选择他们当前想要的职业道路。他们不需要简单地走出规定的工作路线,而是可以选择自己想要的职业道路。这是一个积极的暗示。同样,像Bird和Miah(2007)和Wilton(2013)这样的研究人员提出了这样一个观点,即职业的概念化不是要让这个人成立,而是让员工在履行职责时积累知识(Sullivan, 1999年)。通过工作场所实践积累技能和关系网络中的信息和知识是职业生涯的结果。当涉及到个人发展时,职业也被理解为一些结缔组织(Parker等人,2009)。在这样的背景下,职业的概念被引入了就业规范之外,并且地位,自我价值和发展可以在个人层面上被理解。


The career in current times has been redefined. For different workers working in different contexts, many ways exist to subjectively understand the career experience. However, this is not the career definition change that is presented by researchers. What the researchers argue is a change that has happened in the formal stages of career development. The shift as presented by Wilton (2013) is that “a shift from external careers, where the formal stages and roles are defined by organizations and society, to internal careers which involve a subjective sense of where one is going in one’s work life” (p. 306). In this sense, it could be said that employees have more freedom to choose the career path they want in current times. They need not simply walk out the course of a prescribed work path, but would get the option to choose what form of a career path they want for themselves. This is a positive implication. Similarly, researchers like Bird and Miah (2007) and Wilton (2013) placed the argument that the very conceptualization of career is not to hold the person in place, but rather to allow the employee to accumulate knowledge while rendering the job duties (Sullivan, 1999). Accumulation of information and knowledge embodied in skills and relationship networks through workplace practices is the outcome of a career. Careers are then understood as some of connective tissue when it comes to personal development too (Parker et al., 2009). In such a context, the very concept of career is brought outside the employment norms, and status, self-worth and development could be understood in the personal level.

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