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John Schumpeter’s view of innovation and entrepreneurship as serving as key drivers for markets is useful to understand the connection between disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship (DeFillippi and Wikström, 2014). In much of the previous research work, the aspect of technology sometimes becomes solely considered as a key driver of business innovation. This form of understanding of technology as playing a very pivotal role is called as technological determinism. Anything valuable for society, societal structures and more are considered as being determined by the technology that the society makes use of. This is the reason behind the development of the term technological disruptiveness. However, innovation disruptiveness is more widely used as it takes as a part of it, the technological disruptiveness among others.

Moreover, John Schumpeter’s view of innovation and entrepreneurship as serving as key drivers for markets is useful to understand the connection between disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship (DeFillippi and Wikström, 2014). In much of the previous research work, the aspect of technology sometimes becomes solely considered as a key driver of business innovation. This is technological determinism were anything valuable or adding value in society, societal structures and more are considered as being determined by the technology that the society makes use of. The entrepreneur combines everything in a creative way in order to bring about change.

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